Wednesday, January 14, 2009

happy new year!

It is almost new year! Although, it have one more week before new year i am already excited.What's more,i get to go malaysia to visit my grandparent's house! I like to go my grandparent's house cuz i get to get angbaos and play! ha! ha! Of course,i also want to celebrate with my grandparents too. I also loved to shopping there have lots of big mega mall for me and my cousins to shop till we drop!Anyway,my main purpose is to get money-just kidding! I want to pay a respect to my long time no seen cousins, my relative and my grandparents too. It is alot of fun to go there. This year would be more exciting cuz me and some of my fwens will be going there too. Not to cause mischief, but just wnat to pay a visit to kampong houses as my grandparent's house is a kampong house!!! I loved to visit there as there is so paceful,unlike city life of course!! Country life is always peaseful and slow but city life is always rushing and rushing and rushing .It is always good to start a year by clear mind and a peaseful mind so that we can control our mind more better!!! i am really looking foward to my trip to malaysia ! I am also very excited for a new year! A new year means a beggining of a year ! don't you agree? I am really excited now! i maen who will not be excited isn't? I am nopw sick, but will get well right before new year! Now from myself I wish you all a very very nice and a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!...................

Monday, September 22, 2008


I think recycling is important because it can stop polluting,save trees and many more. In the meantime, people can learn how important is recycling as it may save the world! To me recycling is like to turn unwanted things to useful objects. It is easy to recycle and can save the world! a little part can do many changes! at home, my family and i collects can drinks that we finish into a bag when the bag is filled,we either we throw it into the recycling bin or we wait untill those person to collect. Mt school, in my opinoin my school is recycling just enough. i think that my school still have to improve by puting more times of having the collectoin of newspapar and more.So,try your best to recycle! like i say,recycling is easy and can save the world!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


On May holiday,I went to China with my friends! I am very excited at that time. First, when we reached there i was quite disapointed as i have to miss my one of my trip as of my plane delay. Anyway, for the rest of the trip it was fantastic! I love it! Although my friends and i have some quarrel but we still got back again!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Pet

I have 5 dogs! 3 female and 2 male and I'm very lucky as all of them were twins. I have a female pup called Mango she's my favourite although she is a handicap dog. She is cute and cheerful. she turned to a handicap dog because when she was young, her mother borned all hyer sister and brother, she waqs the lasat to be born her mother lose too much blood when she was still in her tummy. So when her mother was dying, she was only coming out,so she lose her leg because her mother's blood had infection so her leg must be cut. After that incident mango is still a cheerful pup!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Best Friend

I have a best friend. She is always here for me. She has never left me behind. She is kind , funny and even our characters are the same. We have never agrue. I know her since primary 1 ,we are like sisters,when problems come to us, we face it together. I think god have let both of us meet, i'm lucky to have her as my best friend.

My Dream

My dream is to be a veterinarian. I'm an animal lover. I want to invent healthy food and new medications for animals. Present medications have their side effects. I want to make medications which have no side effects.
I will work hard by Science and learn more about animals. I hope my dream will one day come true.