Wednesday, January 14, 2009

happy new year!

It is almost new year! Although, it have one more week before new year i am already excited.What's more,i get to go malaysia to visit my grandparent's house! I like to go my grandparent's house cuz i get to get angbaos and play! ha! ha! Of course,i also want to celebrate with my grandparents too. I also loved to shopping there have lots of big mega mall for me and my cousins to shop till we drop!Anyway,my main purpose is to get money-just kidding! I want to pay a respect to my long time no seen cousins, my relative and my grandparents too. It is alot of fun to go there. This year would be more exciting cuz me and some of my fwens will be going there too. Not to cause mischief, but just wnat to pay a visit to kampong houses as my grandparent's house is a kampong house!!! I loved to visit there as there is so paceful,unlike city life of course!! Country life is always peaseful and slow but city life is always rushing and rushing and rushing .It is always good to start a year by clear mind and a peaseful mind so that we can control our mind more better!!! i am really looking foward to my trip to malaysia ! I am also very excited for a new year! A new year means a beggining of a year ! don't you agree? I am really excited now! i maen who will not be excited isn't? I am nopw sick, but will get well right before new year! Now from myself I wish you all a very very nice and a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!...................